Your Celebrant
Help! What do you need to know about getting married?
For most, this is your first marriage, and maybe, you have never been to a wedding, so where do you start?
To get married, legally in Australia, all you need is an Australian Civil Celebrant [me], two witnesses of legal age [18 years old], fill out and sign the legal paperwork [which I organise for you], and of course, the 124 legal words that must be said.
Everything else, is amazing, and can create the most amazing memories, but it isn’t a ‘must’.
Before you book me, you should:
- Have a ‘one on one’ meeting with me, in person [at no cost to you, but the meeting point is at my discretion]
I will NOT book any ceremony without meeting my couples first, as my client connection is the most important thing to me. We must connect, vibe, feel comfortable with each other, that way, you KNOW we will curate the most amazing ceremony for you both.
If we don’t vibe, I will definitely guide you to some celebrants I think would do the perfect job for you. It is more important to me, that you get the wedding ceremony you deserve, not how many weddings I can book,
We vibe = Let's lock it in!
- We’ve both decided we are a perfect fit for each other, let’s get this wedding date booked.
We love each other, we feel the connection, so now let’s make it ‘formal’. I will email you the following:
– Client Form Sheet that you both fill out
– Invoice, which is broken into 4 equal payments [this will be explained during our initial meeting]
– Contract will be sent once client form is returned - Fill out the legal paperwork
We’ll catch up, either in person, or over Google Meet, get the Notice of Intended Marriage [NOIM] signed and lodged
Ceremony Planning
- 6 months Out
– I will send you questionnaires to fill out so I can start writing your ceremony
– We will have a meeting to go through the ins and outs of your ceremony
– 2nd payment will be due - 3 months out
– I will touch base to make sure you’ve filled out the forms
– We’ll have a catch up [in person or video chat] to catch up and talk all things weddings
– 3 payment will be due - 1 months out
– I will start writing your love story, and touch base if I need any further information
– Final payment is due - 3 weeks out
– I will send you a little teasesr of your love story, but not giving away all the goods - 2 weeks out
– We will have our final catch up, run through everything, logistics, how your day will work, run sheets, vendors and anything you might want to ask - 1 week out
– I’ll send you a loved up text, confirming the day
On your Wedding Day
- I will arrive 1 hour before your ceremony is to begin
- I will set up my audio and make sure everything is tested and working
- I will make sure all paperwork is ready to be signed
- I will speak to your venue and vendors, to make sure we are all on the same page and ready to bring to life your vision
- I will make sure everything is where you have planned it to be
- I will mingle with your family and friends, having a chat and putting everyone at ease, ready for a banging ceremony
AFTER your ceremony:
- I will hang in the background, make sure you’ve got a bevvy of choice [and me too to celebrate with you]
- Mingle with guests while you get some pics taken
- Sign the marriage paperwork
- Give you the biggest hugs, give you my own personal little bit of marriage advice
- Then bid you farewell, as you celebrate into the night with your loved ones